Pala Narayanan Nair Chair

Born on December 11, 1911, Pala Narayanan Nair is a luminary in Malayalam poetry who attained dazzling heights of glory. On August 3, 2010, Mahatma Gandhi University established the Pala Narayanan Nair Chair in memory of the great author.The presence of Dr.Sukumar Azhikode, the eminent writer, critic, and orator, who was nominated as its first Incumbent for a term of two years from the start of the tenure, added to the Chair’s benediction.
The most acclaimed work of Pala Narayanan Nair, ‘Keralam Valarunnu,’ published in 10 volumes in 1953, earned him the ‘Mahakavi’ title. His famous works that gained him recognition in the Malayalam literary community include ‘Amruthakala’ an anthology of poems , ‘Shanthi-vaikhari’, ‘Kasturba’, ‘Aalippazhom’, and ‘Anthyapuja’.
He was the first secretary of Kerala Sahitya Academy and was the recipient of Vallathol Puraskar,Ulloor Award ,Ezhuthachchan Puraskar, Mathrubhoomi Puraskar, first Puthezhan Award,Asan Award,Mooloor Award and Kerala Sahitya Academy Award. He departed from this world on June 11 , 2008.